Melanie Ann

Originally from Rhode Island Melanie Ann Tsolas (pen name Melanie Ann) moved to Boston in 93’ to attend Mass College of Art and Design where she earned a BFA in photography and a K12 teaching certification, followed by an MAE from Framingham State University.

In 2008 she moved to Waltham and retired as an educator to raise her daughter. Since then, she has happily settled into her Waltham residence working from her home studio/ office space.

Creating children’s books emerged from her love of reading, illustrating, and making children smile. She often integrated illustrated books into her classroom lesson plans and thus became inspired by her students and her daughters love for books, to create her very own.

Her books, intended for ages 4 to 8, address common childhood issues as anxiety and worry around growing up and friendship. They are narrated with a light-hearted and playful tone, through humorous animal illustrations.

– “As an author and artist my style is always developing. My second book is a bit different from my first, as will be my third and fourth! As frustrating as this can sometimes feel, its also exciting to see how much I have grown!”



copyright 2021